Author name: Pastor Josh

My life is one of contradictions. I'm a southern boy living in northern New England; a boring guy married to a super-fun gal; a saint who is still a sinner in need of grace.

Your Neighbor Probably Doesn’t Agree With You About Love

I clearly remember being down at what used to be Tom and Lib Phillip’s field (now Robert and Mariam Hayes Stadium) at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.   It was a beautiful spring afternoon and I was chatting in the outfield during batting practice with one of my non-Christian teammates about God.  As […]

Your Neighbor Probably Doesn’t Agree With You About Love Read More »

Philippians 2:6-8

“Though he was God, he did not think equality with God as something to cling to.  Instead, he gave up his divine privileges; he took the humble position of a slave and was born as a human being.  When he appeared in human form, he humbled himself in obedience to God and died a criminal’s

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Loving Two Brides

(The reflections below were published in the Hickory Daily Record June 4, 2011 and also at on the same date.)  The entry is used here with permission from Rev. Dr. Bob Thompson of Corinth Reformed Church in Hickory, NC.  Bob has posted on Red Door’s Blog before.  Check out his last entry “When You

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Red Door Prayer Ministry

For many years Red Door has taken prayer very seriously.  God calls all of His people to pray, but there are some who feel a special calling and burden from God to pray in very specific, intentional, focused and consistent manner.  This group we called our “early morning prayer warriors.”  Every morning at 5:30 we

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Do I Need to Go to Church to Follow Jesus?: A Conversation

The following is a conversation between Pastor Joshua Moore of Red Door Church in South Royalton and Dan Isadore (M.Div.), a recent graduate of Pittsburgh Theological Seminary and Associate Director of the Pittsburgh Experiment.  Josh and Dan hope to have regular discussions on various theological topics and important issues facing Christians today. Dan: So here’s

Do I Need to Go to Church to Follow Jesus?: A Conversation Read More »

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