Running from God

Red Door Church of South Royalton, Vermont
Red Door Church of South Royalton
Running from God

Reading: Jonah 1

Quotes: “Elements of Jonah’s story and Christ’s story are often juxtaposed in this art, hinting at how clearly and easily the early believers connected the two.  On the ceiling in one Roman catacomb, a figure of Christ the Good Shepherd is encircled by illustrations of the Jonah story.  These are interspersed with separate figures of a man, a woman, and a child with arms raised in prayer—a cross section of the Christian family seeking a heavenly afterlife.  Those early believers seemed to relish the story of Jonah because they kept hearing in it the voice of their resurrected Savior and Shepherd.” –Tchividjian, Surprised by Grace, 21-22.

Books: Surprised by Grace by Tullian Tchividjian

Image: Raphael’s “The Prophets Hosea and Jonah

Articles: U.S. Preacher Warns End of the World is Nigh: 21 May, Around 6 p.m., to be Precise

Jonah in the Whale–An Actual Event Pointed to by Jesus Christ

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