Small Town Summit in Vermont

This Wednesday Christians will gather at Red Door Church in South Royalton, Vermont to seek the face of God and learn from other New England pastors and ministry leaders about doing ministry in small places.

The exciting event has been given the title: “Small Town Summit.”

From the Small Town Summits website:

Small Town Summits are small, local, affordable gatherings of Christians who long for God’s glory to spread throughout the small places of New England. We welcome pastors and lay leaders, men and women. Partnering with The Gospel Coalition New England, our Summits provide support, training, encouragement, and connection for New England churches beyond the urban centers.

Much of New England lies beyond the cities. Therefore, to reach this region for Christ many gospel workers must minister in the small places. We want to encourage and equip these faithful ministers. We don’t disdain the big conferences in the big cities with the well-known speakers (we attend and benefit from them). But our Summits are a bit different. We intend to go small: small conferences in small places for small-town Christian workers.

In common parlance, the term ‘summit’ describes a gathering of leaders for the purpose of making significant decisions. Our Summits gather pastors and ministry leaders within a State or region. We learn from one another as we pray and plan for gospel advance. We worship together, eat together, talk together, learn together, and pray together.

The goal of Small Town Summits is to see the small places of New England filled with healthy, missional, gospel-centered churches and Christian workers, for the glory of God.

If you are a Christian pastor or lay-leader and are interested in coming, you can register here.

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